A Man Of Chessed – R’ Avraham Steinmetz Z”L Of BelgiumR’ Avraham (Boomi) Steinmetz Z”L, one of the more well-known men of chessed in Antwerp, Belgium, was niftar on erev Shabbos after battling a difficult illness. He was 65.
The niftar managed to come to Eretz Yisrael about two weeks ago after his medical situation continued to deteriorate and he expressed his wish to be buried in Israel.

Levaya of Kalisher Rebbe of Flatbush, HaRav Yosef Rosenbaum ZATZALYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of the Kalisher Rebbe, HaRav Yosef Rosenbaum ZATZAL. He was 78.
His Shul, Bais Medrash “Ginzei Yosef” located on Avenue R in Flatbush, was well known in the area for more than 40 years.
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Levaya of Rebbitzen Hindy Sitnick A”H, Wife Of HaRav Dovid Sitnick of Yeshiva Siach YitzchokYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rebbetzin Hindy Sitnick, wife of HaRav Dovid Sitnick, the Menahel of Siach Yitzchok of Far Rockaway, NY. She was 67.
The Levaya will take place tonight at 8:30PM at Yeshiva Sh’or Yoshuv, 1 Cedarlawn Avenue, Lawrence, NY, 11559.

 Israeli Mekubal “The Chalban” (Milkman) Is NiftarMekubal Rav Chaim Cohen-Farhiya known as the (The Chalban) Milkman passed away after being recently hospitalized in Tel Hashomer Hospital. Rabbi Cohen was brought to the hospital in serious condition while he was intubated and sedated after having suffered severe medical complications.

Levaya of Rabbi Aharon Chaim (Ronnie) Harari-Raful, Z”L, Son of Rosh Yeshiva of Ateret TorahYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rabbi Aharon Chaim (Ronnie) Harari-Raful, z”l, son of Chacham Yosef Harari-Raful, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Ateret Torah in Brooklyn, NY.

Petira Of Reb Ezriel Salomon ZTL, Brother Of Lakewood MashgiachOn Shabbos Kodesh Tisha B’av the renowned mechanech and askan Reb Ezriel Salomon Z”L, Brother of Reb Mattisyohu Salomon-Lakewood Mashgiach, was niftar.
He spent nearly 40 years of leading the chinuch in his hometown and being a trailblazer for many of his community’s activities in Gateshead, England.

 The Father-In-Law Of The Pinsk-Karlin RebbeThe father-in-law of the Pinsk Karlin Rebbe Shlita, the elder of the Karlin-Stolin Chassidim, HaRav HaChossid Rav Avraham Halevi Horowitz ZT”L, was niftar in Yerushalayim on Tuesday, 5 Av 5779, at the age of 93.
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Levaya Mrs. Adelaide Friedman A”H, Mother of Ambassador David FriedmanYWN regrets to inform you of Mrs. Adelaide Friedman A”H, the the mother of David Friedman, the U.S. Ambassador to Israel. She was 91.
The Levayah will take place on Tuesday August 6th, at 11:00AM at Boulevard Riverside Chapels, 1450 Broadway, Hewlett.

Well Known Mohel of Modi’in Illit is NiftarA well known mohel and avreich, Rav Yehuda Yitzchak Adler ZT”L, of Brachfeld Modi’in Illit, was niftar on Sunday after succumbing to a difficult illness.
Rav Adler was diagnosed on erev Rosh Hashanah two years ago and was periodically hospitalized.
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Levaya of R’ Avrohom Langer Z”L, Zkan Chasidei Bobov, Niftar At 100YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Reb Avrohom Langer, the Zkan Chasidei Bobov who was was niftar at the age of 100.
He was a Talmid of the Kedushas Tzion of Bobov, originally from Galicia and then Toronto.
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