Baruch Dayan HaEmmes: The longtime gabbai of the Kaliver Rebbe ZT”L, Rav Yaakov Asher Herman Z”L was niftar in Bnei Brak at the age of 67 following a difficult illness. Read more on Yeshiva World News
YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of HaRav Yehuda Eber Rosenberg Z”TL, a man who devoted his entire life to Tzedakah and Chesed.
Many people will recognize the face of the Niftar, as he was a fixture at Levayos and Chasunos, where he collected millions of dollars over the past 50 years for various Aniyim, as well as the Vishnitzer Mosdos.
YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of HaRav Yaakov Pollak ZATZAL, the longtime Morah D’asra of Shomrei Emunah in Boro Park. He was 93.
The Levaya will be held at 12:00 noon at the Shul located at 5202 14th Ave.
YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of HaRav Akiva Stefansky ZATZAL, who was the Menahel at Bais Yaakov of Toronto for more than 50 years. He was 93. Read more on Yeshiva World News
YWn regrets to inform you of the Petira of HaRav Ezriel Tauber ZATZAL of Monsey.
Rav Ezriel Tauber was one of the pioneers of the Kiruv movement, a holocaust survivor, businessman, and lecturer to Jews of all denominations.
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