US president says talk on the sidelines of the NATO summit was 'very good'; Turkish president also meets with French president and Greek PM

Document showing holder has been inoculated against coronavirus will enable skipping quarantine, access to cultural events and restaurants; may become necessary for travel abroad

Hundreds of plaintiffs, as well as suspects, judges and lawyers, to convene for 10 days at former NATO headquarters due to security and sanitary problems at courthouse

European, British officials meet in an effort to address latest threat to orderly exit from Union -- a dispute over signed exit deal being altered by internal British legislation

After years of wrangling, Brexit will officially take place at 11 p.m. Friday, with the UK going it alone for the first time since 1973

Prosecutors say man not considered a terrorist, is suspected of attempted murder 'with connection to his religious or philosophical convictions'

Official says interaction best way to allay fears of anti-Semitism: 'There’s a lot of misinformation about refugees, the threat they pose and the benefits they bring'

Though Fatmir Limani's shocking work is meant to spotlight global rise in fascism, Jewish groups say Hitler-themed painting still 'in bad taste'

Highest voter turnout in 20 years registered during four-day elections in 28 countries for 751-seat European Parliament
