Lihi Lapid heard complaining off-camera about 'stupid question,' saying Channel 13 anchor was in a 'combative mood'; PM defends her

Latest survey has opposition leader just one short of the required minimum to form a government; the bloc led by Lapid forecast to win 54 seats

Police say case has been filed against Channel 13's Gil Tamary; broadcast, in which journalist deliberately defied non-Muslim entry ban to holy city, sparking widespread outrage

Source familiar declines to comment on whether Jerusalem was involved in decision by Channel 13 to issue statement defending segment, but apologizing if it offended anyone

Channel 13's Gil Tamari attacked for 'disrespecting Islam'; network defends visit as 'important journalistic accomplishment,' but apologizes 'if anyone was offended'

Channel 13's world news editor Gil Tamari broadcasts himself driving into the Saudi city, despite ban on non-Muslims

Channel 13's Alon Ben David says some locals turned a cold shoulder, others invited him for coffee; normalization will take time

Avigdor Itzhaki denies Mifal HaPayis cut its advertising on Channel 13 because it broadcast segment alleging Yossi Cohen blabbed to his romantic interest

The former Channel 20 is trying to make itself into a true conservative alternative to news channels 12 and 13, but critics say doing so will mean breaking with the former PM

After woman knocks kippa off the head of Channel 13's Baruch Kra, he says a 'well-oiled system of incitement' has led to such violence
