Ex-premier of New Zealand declines to accept pay for working to eliminate terrorist and violent extremist internet content; will also join Prince William's environmental charity

Anderson Lee Aldrich hosted site that included training video on attacking synagogues, used anti-gay slurs online, detective says at hearing on possible hate crime charges

Police say no charges filed yet, provide no further details about suspects

Suspect who went by pseudonym Mr Bond held for allegedly broadcasting Nazi ideas, including track played by gunman in livestream of anti-Semitic attack that killed 2 in Germany

Investigation finds fault with vetting system for gun licenses, excessive focus on Islamism at expense of white supremacist threat - but says were no clear signs of imminent attack

PMs popularity soared after she led effort to stamp out coronavirus -- there's currently no community spread and people therefore not required to wear masks or social distance

'Your actions were inhuman,' judge tells Brenton Tarrant, who for the first time in country's history is handed a life sentence without parole for killing 51 in Christchurch attack

Daughter of Palestinian man killed in Christchurch mosque attack says she wishes she could've been there to hold his hand; others forgive killer, while some flip him off

Dozen of victims and family members tell court about pain of losing loved one, as shackled gunman who killed 51 worshippers sits in dock showing little emotion

Prosecutor says white supremacist planned his attacks for when the maximum number of worshipers were present, tells story of worshiper killed after trying to take gunman down
