Remnants of two craft aimed at US-led coalition carried the message: 'Commanders' revenge operations'

Current and former officials say deaths caused by Talon Anvil were collateral damage, but other sources say unit 'circumvented rules imposed to protect noncombatants'

Investigation indicates army personnel actively suppressed probe of 2019 bombing that hit women and children in country's east

Canadian Mohammed Khalifa narrated videos as part of cell that filmed murders of James Foley and American-Israeli Steven Sotloff

Spokesman for US-led coalition against Islamic State says he had no knowledge of confab promoting normalization and has no affiliation with its participants

Pentagon says 'will continue to engage with our partners and allies to ensure the lasting defeat of ISIS'; NYT reports Christopher Maier forced out

Incident is a rare confrontation involving American and regime troops in region where Russian forces are also deployed

Renewal of activity comes only weeks after lawmakers passed resolution to oust foreign troops from the country in response to US killing of Iranian general in Baghdad

General says operations against Islamic State are rising after cutback due to Iran tensions; US president ordered withdrawal from Syria but then agreed to keep scaled-back force

But even if the government approves the bill, canceling the US-Iraq agreement requires giving Americans a year's notice for withdrawal
