Up to 50 children from 15,000 strong Stockholm Jewish community will now be allowed to participate as government updates coronavirus guidlines

Spike in cases has been reported among travelers returning from Egypt, raising concerns that health system in the coastal Strip could be overwhelmed

Island will begin phased resumption starting June 9 with commercial flights from a select number of countries with low COVID-19 infection rate in bid to save tourism sector

US president says he has deemed places of worship to be 'essential' and threatens to 'override' governors who do not let them open

Country has not reported a new case in three weeks, but critics have been arrested, top health officials fired and citizens discouraged from going to hospitals

Fearing virus surge, national security head Meir Ben-Shabbat says vigilance must be maintained in face of high infection rates overseas

With Israeli kids barred from play dates, critters got combed to oblivion, says fount of Israel's nit knowledge; impact could be long-lasting -- though not permanent

A visually impaired actor and hard-of-hearing activist describe new pandemic challenges, with touching verboten and lip-reading impossible in a sea of masks

Scholars push for increased scrutiny as governments enforce quarantines and track phones, taking on unprecedented powers that may be here to stay

Columbia University study finds 55% of COVID-19 deaths in America could have been averted if safety measures had been put in place a week earlier
