In defeat for gay rights, court's conservative majority rules Christian graphic artist who wants to design wedding sites can refuse work for same-sex couples for religious reasons

Dispute with Orthodox synagogue that accused city of prejudice by sending inspectors more than once a week on average for two years

Unsigned PSA aimed at ultra-Orthodox community runs in circular that once reportedly refused to publish safety advice because charities buying ad space 'cooperated with Zionists'

Footage showing male passengers telling her the bus is only for them, driver suggests she takes another line; operating company says it will prevent repeat of incident

Inquiry by sport's governing body followed SA Rugby’s decision to disinvite Tel Aviv Heat from March competition, allegedly due to security threats; Israeli team skeptical

One protester says she was refused service at a Tel Aviv eatery; another is told she can't board train wearing shirt with phrase 'Rise up'

Channel 14 ordered to pay $46,000 to Reform, Conservative groups over refusal to give airtime to their voices, which violated the terms of its license as a Jewish tradition network

Simcha Rothman says the bill is aimed at avoiding forcing people to 'act against their religion'; critics have warned it could legalize discrimination against LGBT people, others

Microsoft, Wiz among businesses expressing concern incoming government will seek to amend laws allowing firms to refuse services if it violates their religious beliefs

Fat Torah organization aims to end weight stigmas and fatphobia by 'connecting with sacred text, tradition, and spirituality that fosters body liberation for people of all sizes'
