Unlike first flight, aircraft bears airline logo and UAE flag; UN official says shipment will be sent to Ashdod, in hint Gaza will be final destination

UN official says medical aid shipment will eventually be dispatched from Ashdod, apparently to Gaza

14 tons of medical supplies languishing at Ben Gurion airport for past week; PA refused delivery; cargo flight was seen as normalizing ties between Israel and Gulf states

After Etihad Airways made history with first direct flight from Abu Dhabi to Ben-Gurion Airport, Ramallah sources tell Arab media the shipment wasn't coordinated with Palestinians

Etihad Airways flies 16 tons of aid for Palestinians via Tel Aviv, but Khamenei says Gulf states 'betray Palestine by supporting Israel;' calls for armed uprising in West Bank

UN says Etihad Airways plane ferrying 14 tons of medical supplies to Palestinians; Jerusalem and Abu Dhabi have no formal relations, but reportedly maintain clandestine ties

Khaled and Mahmoud Khayat sentenced to 40 and 36 years over Islamic State attempted bombing in 2017 of Etihad jet; IDF said it provided intelligence that led to arrests

Lebanese authorities accuse Amer Khayyat of planning to blow up Etihad flight from UAE to Australia; Khayyat released on bail after being held in detention since 2017
