Fugitive Shimon Hayut accused of defrauding Scandinavian women he met on dating app out of hundreds of thousands of dollars by posing as millionaire's son

Despite opinions from three district psychiatrists deeming former principal fit for extradition to Australia, latest ruling casts doubt on evidence

Judge forgoes decision on alleged pedophile wanted in Australia, further extending legal process that's lasted over five years; defense says it'll petition for her release

Defense and prosecution concerned judge could further delay proceedings with call for fresh psychological evaluations for former principal accused of 74 counts of child sex abuse

Michael Aknin, 39, allegedly sold carbon credits in France, then funneled some €51 million to shell companies in East Asia to avoid tax payments

Lawyer for Australia principal charged with sex abuse seeking to prevent panel from handing down conclusion, which would have major impact on court's extradition ruling

Stéphane Alzraa, who was extradited from Israel, convicted of organized fraud and aggravated money laundering for involvement in $57 million 'scam of the century'

Stephane Alzraa, who was extradited from Israel, charged with organized fraud, aggravated money laundering and criminal conspiracy in $57 million scheme

Violence flares as police try to clear protesters outside parliament; organizers say over a million people took part in march, largest protest since city's 1997 handover to China

Crowd calls to scrap planned bill to allow extraditions to countries without treaty, including China; police say at least 153,000 started march, but new people still joining
