Prosecutor: Attacker yelled 'Allahu akbar' multiple times during assault, had psychiatric history; police say books on Islam were found in his bag

Scaffolding installed before devastating fire could collapse onto vaults, threatening structural integrity monumental Gothic church, according to church official

Pope opens holiday with sermon offering love to 'even the worst' as French mark first Christmas in over 200 years without fire-ravaged Notre Dame

French court rules Kobili Traore can't be held criminally responsible for Sarah Halimi's killing because he was in a psychotic state from marijuana use

Relatives of Lutfia Zbad, who suffers from schizophrenia, say authorities not doing enough to locate her over two months after disappearance in center of French capital

After spate of vandalism shocked the nation, civic-minded non-Jewish volunteers take to patrolling cemeteries, call to 'Leave the dead in peace!'

Khamenei, who in the past has questioned historicity of Nazi genocide of the Jews, marks 21st anniversary of conviction of Roger Garaudy by praising him, criticizing France

Judges say Moussa Coulibaly has shown 'little or no regret' for assault, which came shortly after shootings at Charlie Hebdo, kosher supermarket

Suspect admits to French police he attacked Yogev Burshtein but denies anti-Semitic motive; victim said he was assaulted for speaking Hebrew

Judge ordered researcher Roland Marchal and academic Fariba Adelkhah released but prosecution opposed, sending matter to Revolutionary Court, which deals with espionage crimes
