With over 1,600 bills nationwide seeking to instill religious values in state educational institutions, advocacy groups protest the 'crumbling wall' between church and state

State residents argued ban would violate their religious rights on when they believe terminating pregnancy is acceptable

Elizabeth and Gabriel Rutan-Ram say they were outspoken about their Jewishness, though they suspected it might be an issue - but that didn't stop the discrimination from hurting

A Jewish parent has filed and withdrawn a lawsuit against a California academy after it denied her request to bring a 6-foot tall inflatable hanukkiah to a tree-lighting ceremony

'One nation under God, and one religion under God,' says former top Trump advisor; ADL, AJC say 'dangerous' call violates US commitment to freedom of religion

Similar measures to also be reevaluated in lower court in Colorado, following decision by justices to overturn New York's COVID-19 restrictions on religious gatherings

Same-sex adoption issue pits American Jewish community’s Orthodox bodies against its civil rights groups, days off work for religious holidays could also be on the table

Pew mega-survey of 34 nations finds backing for freedom of speech, media and internet is significantly lower in Jewish state than in other countries, and lower than in the past

Ariana Hoblin of south Florida speaks about the incident during signing ceremony in Oval Office for executive order protecting prayer in public schools

Majority of Jewish residents of Israel want governing coalition to support religious freedom, back separation of religion and state
