Attackers slit Father Jacques Hamel's throat in his church in 2016, as France was on high alert over jihadist attacks following the Charlie Hebdo massacre

80 officers dispatched to pursue suspect who was on terror watchlist, two wounded during exchange of fire prior to arrest after attack in La Chapelle-sur-Erdre

Paris court convicts Moroccan Ayoub El Khazzani for planned terror attack thwarted by passengers, issues sentences of 7-27 years to three accomplices

14 alleged accomplices to go on trial next week over their links to shooting rampage in French capital that ushered in wave of Islamist violence

Center for the Analysis of Terrorism says Hayat Boumedienne, whose partner killed 4 people at Paris kosher market, was one of 13 female suspects to break out of Kurdish-run jail

Most of those charged helped plan or finance the attacks that killed 130 people, or helped the terrorists escape

Mourad Fares found guilty of enlisting youths to Islamic State, leading al-Nusra Front terrorist cell

Killing of jihadist group's leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, announced Sunday, sparks 'sense of satisfaction' for survivors and victims' families

Prosecutors have a month to present their case to judges, who will then decide when to try the 14 people currently held in connection to the jihadist rampage that killed 130

Paying tribute to four Paris police staff slain by radicalized colleague, Macron speaks of need to eradicate distorted version of Islam
