18-year-old is 73rd Arab Israeli killed this year in violence that has continued to plague the community
Points: 3
Death of 22-year-old marks 72nd Arab Israeli killed this year as a result of the violence that continues to plague the community.
Points: 5
Three others wounded in ensuing shootout, including attacker, after he pulls pistol and opens fire on worker near Atlanta
Points: 1
Man, 79, and his wife, 69, found shot dead in their home in central region city of Kfar Yona; initial investigation said to point at murder-suicide
Points: 2
Police say they believe Efraim Gordon, 31, was killed in an attempted robbery that turned fatal
Boys aged 13-14 are reportedly brothers and their cousin; police launch major manhunt to find attacker
Points: -1
Man shot dead in northern village of Kabul, apparently part of long-running dispute between families; in separate incident, man killed in southern town of Rahat
Points: 7
Suspect arrested and weapon seized after attack in northern town of Reineh; police say incident arose from 'family dispute'
Shots fired at home of woman in village of Bi'ina, killing her and injuring her husband; later, another man arrives at hospital with gunshot wounds
Hours before she was slain, Sharifa Abu Muammar wrote to other teaching staff that coming year should be 'happy and blessed'
Points: -10
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