Jailed film producer's attorney claimed 66-year-old actor and director was biased against Jewish client due to his past antisemitic comments

In court, the former movie mogul appears pale and frail, looking nothing like the bearish man who once lorded over the Oscars every year

Disgraced mogul, already serving 23-year sentence, faces charges in the city whose main industry he dominated; if convicted, could be sentenced to 140 additional years behind bars

A 2017 tweet by actor Alyssa Milano triggered an enormous global wave of public sexual abuse complaints, bringing down politicians, celebrities and other influential figures

Court of Appeals says first arguments in appeal of 23-year prison sentence will likely be held sometime next year

Police say alleged offenses against woman, now in her 50s, took place during July and August 1996; disgraced film mogul currently serving 23-year prison sentence for rape

Five-judge panel rejects movie mogul’s claims that lower court prejudiced him by allowing women to testify about allegations that weren’t part of criminal case

Elijah Wood says director Peter Jackson got back at the 'Miramax' producer after dispute -- by designing a villain in his likeness

Disgraced movie producer will face new charges on top of his 23-year prison sentence for crimes in New York

Former Hollywood mogul, already serving 23 years for rape, to undergo separate trial in California; defense's arguments that move will further harm his health are dismissed
