Arriving by bus, plane, and even helicopter, 50,000 predominantly male Hasidic Jews attend increasingly popular pilgrimage to grave of wonder-working Rabbi Shayele
Both the secular world and the Orthodox community have narratives about what it means to leave Orthodox Judaism. How does someone who actually leaves relate to these narratives?
There’s a widespread notion that people who leave Orthodox communities are shunned, completely cut off by family. It’s not true — but what really happens may not be less painful.
Why do people who have no connection to Orthodox Judaism find 'exit stories' so interesting, and why does telling the story feel false even when it’s completely true?
A photo of Rabbi Mordechai David Unger wearing a mask in public before Yom Kippur went viral and was used to encourage others amid surge in cases; rabbi reports mild symptoms
Dense crowds seen at Yom Kippur prayers in several cases; 'capsule program' for yeshiva students said neglected as thousands return home for vacation without testing
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