Joey Borgen, who was severely beaten while walking to pro-Israel rally during Gaza war, says sentences for his attackers should've been harsher

In separate incidents, Mohammed Abbkr, 28, allegedly sprayed a flammable substance on 2 men in west London and Birmingham and then set them alight

Emanuel Fabian on the military operation targeting terrorist who killed Yaniv brothers; Jacob Magid on US response and Aqaba summit; Luke Tress on tangled web of lies and sex abuse

LGBTQ- and Black-owned businesses among those targeted in at least 14 acts of neo-Nazi vandalism in state

Approximately 4,000 agencies do not participate in study, with 35 major US cities -- including New York, Los Angeles and Miami -- not submitting any data

Law mandates hate crime prevention training, statewide tolerance campaign; 'No young Jewish boy should ever have to look over his shoulder as he’s walking to a yeshiva' Hochul says

Tires of over 20 vehicles slashed in Beit Iksa, while graffiti proclaims 'Jerusalem is for Jews,' 'Get out of here,' and 'Die Muhammad'; police investigate

Some Jewish participants jarred by emphasis on forgiving hate crime perpetrators at confab just before Days of Awe, whose major theme is personal and communal accountability

US president hails administration's efforts to help stamp out violence against vulnerable groups, calls on Congress to clamp down on social media firms that allow hate speech

Event will feature panel of Democratic and Republican mayors, highlighting 'the corrosive effects' of hate-fueled violence in America
