Driver flees scene but reports incident to police, says he feared stopping near West Bank town of Sinjil; terror group says 'comprehensive resistance' can end 'settler terror'

Driver arrested after striking Sandra Feuerstein, who made history as first to serve as US judge at the same time as her mother

Police suspect man does not have bus license, was paid by company's driver to fill in; 2 pedestrians killed in Wednesday's crash

Incident occurs near Rachel's Tomb; police begin widespread search

Prisilia Kashty, released from prison early, uploads video of her extravagant journey home; daughter of man, 82, killed in the crash calls it 'a disgrace'

Plea bargain sees Meir Gamliel admit he was behind the wheel -- not passenger Netanel Sandrusi, who is sentenced to 7 months for not aiding victim

Police searching for silver truck after deadly accident on highway north of Haifa

25-year-old driver was checking his car's engine on the side of the Ayalon highway when he was struck by a passing vehicle

District attorney says it was difficult to establish facts in hit-and-run that claimed life of Ari Nesher, 17; young age of suspect also taken into account

Julio de la Guardia had 3 times the alcohol limit in his blood after he hit musician Chaim Tukachinsky last year; defendant also ordered to pay NIS 150,000 in compensation
