While visiting the POLIN museum in 2016, Daniel Patt realized he could be walking by his own relatives without knowing it, so he designed a platform 'From Numbers to Names'
Documentation from newly opened archives includes requests to Pope Pius XII to intervene against Nazi deportations, help liberate people held in concentration camps
Sensing impending disaster, the Wiener Library's founder gathered evidence of German antisemitism from the 1920s, making an argument against the Nazis before Hitler came to power
'Deported. Exiled. Saved.' uncovers dramatic new information with implications for descendants of the largest Polish survivor group -- including the family of this writer
Display at London’s Wiener Holocaust Library from December 8 reveals often overlooked rescue efforts and armed uprisings, as Jews fought back against their persecutors
Thousands answer crowdsourcing call to assist Germany's Arolsen Archives in making 26 million newly digitized historical documents searchable by anyone online
Premiering January 21 ahead of March 2 opening of the Secret Vatican Archives for 1939-1958, film provides historical context for 17 million pages of documents to be released
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