Researchers also unearth bullet casings at site of famous Lamed Heh battle in War of Independence, shedding rare light on an incident from which there were no Palmach survivors

Artifact discovered near today's Ashkelon, the oldest copper fishhook discovered in the region, demonstrates mastery of copper technology, say archaeologists

While archaeologists worry about forgeries, the IAA vows to implement more rigorous testing after a highly touted potsherd thought to be from 498 BCE was found to be inauthentic

Israel Antiquities Authority teams up with residents from central town of Shoham during Good Deeds Day to spruce up 1,800-year-old spot for travelers to take a break

Channel 12 report details complex, highly sensitive renovation at famous ancient site situated alongside Jaffa Gate entrance to Jerusalem's Old City

Lavi family finds artifact on hike in central Israel; IAA says Byzantine-era item is a candle holder, finding is 'typical,' though not all candles had such ornaments

Shelby White has already relinquished at least two dozen items worth at least $20 million due to investigations

Israel Antiquities Authority says two suspects arrested at Soger site caught 'red-handed' as they dug beneath and destroyed a 2,000-year-old mosaic floor

Clay item found at Kibbutz Parod; location provides new insights into size of ancient Jewish community that lived there

Military reporter Emanuel Fabian on Lion's Den rearing its head, IDF hospital drill; news editor Amy Spiro on Israeli MMA champ Natan Levy; Amanda Borschel-Dan on silver coin cache
