Governments struggle to contain outbreaks as US announces over 40,000 cases in a day while India confirms record 20,000, with others hit including South Korea and Australia

As countries lift lockdowns and social distancing measures, World Health Organization says politicization of disease exacerbating health crisis

India considers new measures; cases increase in south and west of US; resurgence in Australia, China and South Korea despite earlier success

As world sees largest daily increase yet, data shows nearly 9 million people have been infected by coronavirus and more than 468,000 people have died

Indian Prime Minister Modi vows death of 20 of his country's soldiers in brawl 'will not be in vain' but wants peace; Beijing urges neighbor to restrain troops, calls for talks

No shots were fired in brawl that left 20 Indian soldiers and an unknown number of Chinese dead, but experts warn that though war not likely, deescalation will be difficult

Europe has seen 2,057,414 infections, while the US has registered the most deaths of any country at 98,929; numbers still rising in some areas

International health body executive director says virus still 'on the way up,' warns of future outbreak 'spikes' as countries lift restrictions

Russia begins easing lockdown rules despite reporting more than 10,000 new coronavirus cases every day for over a week; India reopens rail network despite surge in infections

The problem solvers should emerge from every domain and every sector of the economy and they should contribute to the reconstruction of the country
