Nazila Maroufian defiantly posts headscarf-less picture upon release from Evin prison, says health scare was not heart attack

President Raisi says 'this lack of hijab will be definitely put an end to,' as authorities send more 1 million warning text messages to women seen without veil in cars

Local media says the fate of 11 detained journalists, including reporters who covered Mahsa Amini's death, 'is still unknown'

Editor-in-chief of Etemad, Behrooz Behzadi, in his late 70s, is 'accused of publishing false content' following a complaint by Revolutionary Guards Corps

In new crackdown, authorities shut down one office of Digikala online retailer, nearly a year after the morality police largely melted away in the face of widespread protests

Mohammad Javad Vafaei-Sani was sentenced to death for participating in anti-government protests in 2019 sparked by rising gas prices

Police spokesman says enforcement officials will resume notifying and then detaining women not wearing hijab in public; actor arrested for video slamming move

Toomaj Salehi lambasted the regime in his music; was among thousands of Iranians who protested over the death of Mahsa Amini

Head of fact-finding mission says that 10 months after death of Mahsa Amini, which sparked major protests, family's 'right to truth and justice remains unfulfilled'

Norwegian-based Iran Human Rights group says Tehran is increasing its use of the death penalty in order to spread fear
