At emergency IAEA meeting, US urges world powers to reject 'nuclear extortion' from Tehran, which is seeking economic relief to offset American sanctions

Former and possibly future chancellor says Vienna will 'act united and determinedly' against Tehran's nuclear ambitions

Mohammad Jahromi oversees Tehran's satellite program, accused by US of serving as cover for experiments on intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads

Netanyahu says Tehran seeking to signal it could move towards a bomb, adding that it would take several years and Israel will 'make sure it doesn't happen'

Moscow says Tehran breaching uranium enrichment cap a consequence of withdrawing from 2015 deal; Beijing accuses Washington of 'unilateral bullying' of Islamic Republic

Tehran confirms surpassing limit set by nuclear agreement as foreign ministry gives Europe 60 days to salvage 2015 pact

French president Macron tells Iranian counterpart by phone that he is concerned about weakening of nuclear deal; Tehran says it will up enrichment level

As efforts to salvage 2015 pact flounder, Tehran gears up to enrich uranium closer to weapons-grade levels, inching closer to an atomic bomb

Islamic Republic's foreign minister targeted with fresh sanctions, along with its supreme leader, Khamenei

Heiko Maas says Berlin talking to all sides in bid to calm tensions between US and Iran after tanker attacks, troop buildup
