Experts say Jordanian intelligence leaked former minister's confession before trial; ex-crown prince Hamzah reportedly said control over Jerusalem holy sites not a priority for him

Historic normalization deals between Israel and 4 Arab nations were hallmark of Netanyahu and Trump administrations; FM Lapid indicates eagerness to expand on ties

The Wadi Araba Crossing, known as the Yitzhak Rabin terminal in Israel, set to open on July 4 amid downward trends in infection rates on both sides of border

Incoming foreign minister accuses Netanyahu of leaving the diplomatic corps in shambles, especially the Jewish state's relationship with US Democrats

Shin Bet says the men, arrested while carrying knives, were planning stabbing attack near Temple Mount, but were repatriated as part of 'diplomatic reciprocity'

2 Jordanian nationals were reportedly captured after crossing border during the 11 days of fighting between Israel and Hamas last month

Engineer says the makeshift wooden Mughrabi Bridge is 'in a state of extreme dryness'; any attempt to replace it is likely to trigger angry response from Jordan and Palestinians

Jordanian foreign ministry demands immediate release of its two nationals, arrested after allegedly crossing into Israel with blades

Thousands in country at peace with Jewish state gather at border, chant 'Death to Israel' and 'Let's trade the olive branch for the gun'

Lawmakers unanimously vote for motion over the 'crimes' committed by Israel against the Palestinians; King Abdullah says Jewish state's 'provocations' led to escalation
