Tensions in Jerusalem are boiling over, to nobody's surprise, and an oft-jailed suspect nobody ever suspected becomes the center of a cold case, shining a harsh light on police

A deadly rampage in the south raises questions about the police and bickering ministers and a poor joke raise questions about the government

The media looks at Israel's ham-fisted policies for dealing with Ukrainian refugees, especially non-Jews; pundits see Israel-Iran in Ukraine-Russia; and a rabbinical great dies

Dispatching reporters to Europe (and squabbling with each other over it), Israel wrestles with the unfolding horror, Jerusalem's non-stance, and the ghosts of WWII

The cops are in trouble for misleading about phone spyware, people are unhappy that goods are overpriced and Israelis want a role in the assassination of Islamic State's leader

The PM blitzes the media with his thoughts, Omicron's onslaught leads to a politically-tinged fight over school quarantines, and the AG's plate-clearing plea deals raise scrutiny

The press is paying close attention to plea deal talks with the Likud head, seeing an agreement as a game-changer both for the opposition leader, and the future of the coalition

The government is sniping over Omicron, leaving the press to bewail Israel's state and score points along the way; plus the slaying of a 4-year-old earns long-overdue attention

With tens of thousands of daily coronavirus cases seemingly around the corner, prophets of doom and government critics aren't waiting to have their say

The somehow still-looming Omicron threat brings with it worries of fresh restrictions (and a quarantine pandemic), a fourth shot gets frozen and Israel changes its tune on Iran
