The bruited ministerial nominations of Bezalel Smotrich or others have anonymous officials fearing monstrous results; and Passover journeys from shard haroset to Matzachella

From the government's attempts to defang the courts and make the Knesset unstoppable to an ambitious army reform plan, things are unlikely to stay static

Netanyahu gets ready to relaunch his coalition, if he can get Liberman and the ultra-Orthodox to make nice; SpaceIL gets ready to launch a new moon lander; and more

Hebrew dailies join counterparts around globe in contextualizing damage to 12th century church, which lasted through French Revolution and Nazism, but struggled to fend off fire

While the president turns coalition consultations into reality TV, all eyes are on Liberman and whether he’ll team up with Netanyahu or try to vote ultra-Orthodox off the island

Avigdor Liberman, seen as the linchpin for Netanyahu to be able to build a government, is asking a steep price, making him the toughest nut crack in negotiations

Both Bennett and Beresheet get oh so near to their respective goals, only to be thwarted by harsh reality at the last moment

With Netanyahu set to retake power, the only questions are if New Right can finagle a way in, how he'll fight to stay out of legal trouble, and what went wrong for everyone else
