Ehud Barak's early morning merger with Meretz breathes new life into the Israeli left, at least for now, and leaves just about everyone wondering what it'll all mean for Labor

Justice Minister Amir Ohana's decision to push out ministry head Emi Palmor sparks a range of raging accusations that the move was directed from above for unprofessional reasons

Israel's razing of several structures in East Jerusalem neighborhood earns jeers from critics, cheers from some Israelis and a big yawn from the rest of the country

Ayelet Shaked takes the helm of the New Right, but is already being challenged on unifying the right-wing bloc under her leadership, including (reportedly) by Sara Netanyahu

Israel is playing close attention to a tit-for-tanker battle in the Persian Gulf, and possibly gearing up for its own tussle with Tehran

Amir Peretz's decision to team up with Orly Levy-Abekasis is seen as a play for right-wing and socially minded votes and a big problem for the left

The Israeli press gives an unseemly amount of airtime and column inches to victim blaming and unverified defenses of 12 Israelis accused of gang raping a British tourist in Cyprus

New pictures of Ehud Barak entering Jeffrey Epstein's mansion attempt to paint him in a more sinister light, and Labor, women, and society lose a fighter

Trump's 'defense' of Israel only serves to drag the Jewish state into his racist tiff, angering many American Jews while Israelis barely take notice

News outlets expound on the dangers of so-called 'gay conversion therapy' but while those who undergo it pay a price, Rafi Peretz is seen getting off pretty much scot-free
