Hamas is trying to distance itself from infiltration attempts, and the army and government are happy to go along with that to avoid war; plus Sara Netanyahu and a roll roil Ukraine

A rash of attempted Gazan infiltrations has everyone scratching their heads and Rashida Tlaib's grandma sets the internet on fire

The decision to ban Omar and Tlaib is so unpopular that even those who normally back Netanyahu have trouble seeing any benefit in banning the lawmakers just to indulge Trump

The High Court is mocked after nixing a gender-separated concert when it was almost over and Netanyahu appears to choose his bro Trump over US lawmakers Tlaib and Omar

Papers say Netanyahu's Likud is spending millions to woo Liberman's constituents, while his Blue and White rivals will focus on face-to-face engagement with voters

It's mid-August, and with apparently little real news to cover, Israeli media is all in on Netanyahu's almost-firing of a minister who sniped at him

Netanyahu is seen as easily pressured by the right over the Temple Mount and now faces pressure to give the boot to Twitter minister Bezalel Smotrich after he goes off the rails

The Temple Mount turns into a battlefield over Jews being allowed to enter during a day meaningful to both Islam and Judaism; and Hamas plays coy in Gaza, but Israelis don't buy it

A West Bank killing and widespread manhunt shines a light on how Israel and Hamas are operating, and a book the slain student was holding speaks volumes about him and the country

Despite allegations he exposed the public to an alleged pedophile and dangerous food, Yaakov Litzman is still sitting pretty, with almost nobody willing to take him to task
