Decision by lead prosecutor in Netanyahu probes to fly off to South Africa in middle of pre-indictment hearings meets with criticism and mockery across the political spectrum

Netanyahu's legal woes and his Likud maneuverings against Gideon Sa'ar engender many accounts, few sources and almost no way to know how to cut through the BS

Hours after Likud floats the idea of a primary, and Netanyahu's main rival hints at a challenge, the contest is suddenly off. So who is scared of whom?

Knesset unrolls red carpet to swear in 22nd parliament; event appears as ceremonial as ever with sides no closer to reaching compromises necessary to prevent 3rd election

Netanyahu's long-awaited hearing is finally getting underway, and while everybody is already sure they know the outcome, there's no agreement on what that will be

Netanyahu is expected to give up on forming a government after just a few days, once a last-ditch try at unity talks fails; but what that will lead to is anybody's guess

A poll confirms the near-universal distaste for new elections, even as everyone sees them looming, while a Pole confirms that Jews are the real anti-Semites

Rivlin hands Netanyahu the rock (and takes heat), but nobody thinks the Likud head can do much with it but move Israel closer to another vote

As unity government talks intensify, leaders of Blue and White are forced to reconcile with countless promises they'd made not to sit with that 'unsuitable' guy on the other side

Throw four pundits and politicians in a room and you'll get five ideas for a rotation government, but will any of them stick or is everybody just torquing around
