A unity bid goes nowhere faster than a slicked down butterball; southerners complain about Iron Dome and false alarms; and deterrent bids to stop terror draw gripes, not praise

Netanyahu may be crowing about the turnout at his rally in Tel Aviv, but most journalists saw an underwhelming rabble of angry fanboys, and bad tidings for the PM's future

Netanyahu agrees to battle Sa'ar for the leadership of Likud, but few give the upstart much of a chance, instead predicting the PM will battle to the (political) death

Gideon Sa'ar takes aim at Netanyahu publicly, while others are doing so quietly. So who is crashing Likud -- the mutineers or the leader who refuses to let go?

Amid scathing criticism and comparisons to Emperor Nero, newspapers say PM's indictment aggravates political deadlock and agree Israel's embattled leader won't go without a fight

Israel is grumpily sailing into uncharted waters, and everyone is pretty sure we'll soon be wrecked on electoral terra all-too-cognita, unless a mutiny on the Bibi forms

Israel may be headed toward a more serious conflict with Iran and the slide toward third elections now seems inevitable

Israelis see a rocket attack from Syria as the start of Iran's new eye-for-an-eye policy, and the US settlement swerve is interpreted by some as a revolution, for better or worse

Netanyahu is criticized by some for his anti-Arab rhetoric against a minority government, but incitement or not, Gantz is still in a political pickle

PM appears in full panic mode after receiving 'intelligence' that Gantz is set on forming a Joint List-backed minority government, which would have him out of office by next week
