Netanyahu asked the Knesset for protection from the lawman, but he's seen as having almost no chance of getting anything but a few extra months, or elections forever

While Baghdad turns into the latest preview of a feared Iranian-US-Israel conflict, Israel looks for a hand from some other enemies and Netanyahu gets ready to whisper 'immunity'

PM announces prime-time press statement ahead of deadline to request immunity and crucial High Court hearing, only to cancel an hour later; pundits read into it as they please

Netanyahu is looking to get Israeli voters to buy him a pass from prosecution, though it's not a great look, and anti-Semitism in New York sparks fear and finger-pointing

Israeli politicians and pundits wake up to news of another mass-casualty attack targeting Diaspora Jews and some use it as an opportunity to lecture American Jewry

Netanyahu knocked out Sa'ar like he was Glass Joe, but can he translate the shellacking into Knesset immunity or victory in March?

Netanyahu is (again) whisked offstage due to rocket fire, but appears unlikely to be escorted off the political stage as the Likud leadership win appears to be in his pocket

Netanyahu is seen as having the Likud primary in the bag, but he's still pushing apparent half-truths as his camp slings mud at his rivals and anyone else who dares not get in line

Israeli journalists ignore inconveniences in order to place a black mark on ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, and posit Israel will keep striking Iran, promised response be damned

A day after getting called out for rushing to condemn the ICC, Yedioth continues its attack, tarring the prosecutor for having once served under Gambia's dictator
