Rather than unity, Holocaust Remembrance Day presents a politicized struggle over what lessons to take from the horrors of the past to combat a bleak future

Holocaust Remembrance Day approaches amid anxiety over survivors no longer being able to tell their stories, though some say the lessons of the Shoah are more vital now than ever

Gaza tensions are back, deals are rumored and Knesset noobs learn about how the sausage is made while others stay home

The deadly California shooting sweeps up an Israeli family that has already fled fire, and shines a fresh light on the scourge of anti-Semitism that is alive and kicking

The second deadly attack on a congregation in six months leaves Jews in the US and Israel reeling, mourning, praising heroes and being dogged by anti-Semitism from all sides

Kahlon is seen as rejoining Likud, though it's unclear if he'd have been a brake in any case on changes planned by the new government that some say will end Israel as we know it

The White House indicates its peace plan will try something other than the 'failed' two state solution, and even if its own gambit fails, the effects may ripple into the future

As Israelis stream toward Egypt, a security official pleads with them to head for safer climes; perhaps URWP will just demand that Israel retake the peninsula in coalition talks

The Sri Lanka bombings dominate the Hebrew-language press as Israelis make a mad dash for Sinai, which is suddenly seen as safe for terror-free sea and sun

Passover takes the press on a journey from Palestinian statehood (or lack thereof) to spring storms to tweeted bread to a sensational basketball victory
