More infections are leading to more warnings of more lockdowns, but not everyone is buying it, especially with more vaccinations on the way

With the Knesset moving toward dissolving itself with support from Gantz and Blue and White, elections are in the offing, though few are willing to cut the alternate PM much slack

Early elections are imminent with Gantz reportedly possibly almost ready to vote in favor of dissolving the Knesset, except maybe they'll wait a while; ditto for lockdown No. 3

Israelis watching Iran's search for clues in the killing of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh find that no tidbit is too outlandish, as vacations in the Gulf suddenly lose some of their appeal

Israel's reported assassination of the 'father' of Iran's nuke program brings the world of skullduggery to the surface as pundits weigh the possible ramifications from Tehran to DC

As Israelis hit the malls, early elections may be on hold with Netanyahu doing some browsing of his own for the best deals among partners and rivals, who may not survive the sales

Israelis flood the media remembering soccer great Maradona, with nostalgia superseding any qualms about his politics, though they make sure to mention his other demons

A deadly air force training flight crash has investigators and reporters stumped, and Netanyahu keeping his under-the-radar trips from his army chief spark worries of danger

A not-secret visit to Saudi Arabia is hyped as a major step, even though few think normalization with the big cheese is imminent; what is around the corner? elections (maybe)

The government is seen as drowning after Gantz announces he is launching a probe of the submarine affair, one derided as toothless but that can still embarrass Netanyahu
