Pompeo's stocking-stuffers for settlers and the right are hailed by some, who hope the goodies keep coming, but others ask if they are the equivalent of gelt: yummy, but not gold

The US president-elect's presence is felt in a fresh run-in between Israel and Iran, nuke deal worries, Palestinian resumption of security cooperation and maybe more

Israel gets hyped up by the news that a company it actually already has a deal with appears to have a solid vaccine candidate, but others urge caution and yet others go shopping

A long meeting on the virus lockdown exit with no results has everybody fuming and sniping at each other, and that only scratches the surface of the frustration in the air

Journalists read many messages into the killing of al-Qaeda's No. 2 in Tehran, including proof of close US-Israel intel cooperation, and Iran getting into bed with the enemy

A High Court demand that the state defend the constitutionality of a law underpinning the government's coalition deal has some readying for new elections

Infection trends herald a third wave and third lockdown to some, while others push to open more and Israel's vaccine gamble raises questions; at least we have the US figured out

Results from Pfizer's vaccine study give Israelis hope, but it's tempered by the fact that the results are preliminary, and that Israel is not signed up to get any of the doses

As Israel accepts/celebrates the defeat of Donald Trump, pundits try to divine how friendly he will be to Israel, and how much he will care about the timing of Netanyahu's tweets

After days of closely watching states tally ballots, some Israelis are saying goodbye to Trump and everyone is wondering what's next
