Vaccines are just around the corner, but before we get there, get ready for some more restrictions, or throw a maskless indoor party to celebrate not getting infected

Infection numbers are rising faster than Hanukkah gelt futures, but people are not quite ready to start locking things down again; plus vaccinations, nominations and Liberman-ation

The country is gearing up for a half-lockdown and a vaccine drive, with case numbers only topped by how many VIPs are clamoring to cut the vaccine line and be 'personal examples'

The airport is the hot new virus zone, with Israelis smooshing together to get to the UAE and other destinations, and a lack of testing reportedly making things worse

Ties with Morocco are back, as journalists try to navigate Trumpworld's Mideast bazaar to figure out what was just bought and what else might be for sale

Polls show big gains for Gideon Sa'ar's upstart party, but is Netanyahu running scared, or is the former Likud minister a paper tiger?

Vaccines arrive, but don't roll up your sleeve yet unless your name is Netanyahu, who may now be phoning Pfizer to see if they have a drug against political challenges too

The government decides to give a curfew a shot at bringing infections lower, even if few think it will do much more than make some front page news

The media reports on the government's plans to close everything down, or some things down, or someone down. If they keep throwing out ideas, one of them will be correct eventually

The last kids are finally allowed back in school, where they'll perfect their dodgeball and decoupage skills, as a mall battle brews and the center-left gets lost in the rough
