Amid Netanyahu-Gantz feud, state to respond to High Court demand to justify empty cabinet posts; prisoners no longer allowed video hearings as special coronavirus edict lapses

Family of Tzipi Refaeli, serving tax evasion term, say they'll go to court if she doesn't get medical care; physician says her heart condition worsened even before she got virus

Decision comes despite directive by public security minister -- widely panned as illegal -- to refrain from inoculating inmates

Mandelblit tells police minister he has no authority to make such a directive and failed to provide legal justification, won't receive alternative representation at High Court

Yuli Edelstein says prisons will follow official guidelines for inmates to receive shots, won't differentiate between guards and prisoners

President's statement comes amid Public Security Minister Ohana continued refusal to inoculate inmates

Move comes with Public Security Minister Ohana refusing to inoculate inmates age 60-plus despite AG saying decision isn't his to make

Public security minister says prisoners will only be inoculated when more Israelis get vaccinated; Israel Medical Association: Country has an 'ethical obligation'

Kobi Shabtai's nomination had already been okayed by coalition and committee, but he has for now been approved as interim commissioner only; Likud, Blue and White trade accusations

Amir Ohana says prisoners will be inoculated when more Israelis have been vaccinated, after Palestinian official claims they'll be receiving shots in coming days
