Top US diplomat publicly backs 'proud Iranian people' amid two days of violent rallies in the Islamic Republic; Tehran blasts US 'economic terrorism'

Fresno media outlets say suspects entered private residence, opened fire on crowd watching football game

US influence has plummeted while Iranian Revolutionary Guards General Soleimani is now seen brokering deals among political forces in Baghdad

Riot police try to break in after an all-night siege that includes firing repeated barrages of tear gas and water cannons; students respond with fire bombs

Invitation comes ahead of second week of public hearings; Pelosi says if president doesn't like what he is hearing, he should come and talk, instead of tweeting

Jennifer Arcuri is accused of getting privileged access to grants and foreign trade jaunts -- including to Tel Aviv -- by British PM during his time as London mayor

Former NYC mayor had long-backed the aggressive policing policy that disproportionately targeted black and Latino New Yorkers

Washington says it 'supports the Iranian people in their peaceful protests against the regime;' two people confirmed killed

Polish man reportedly caught smoking in plane's lavatory, curses and yells when confronted by airline staff

Initial investigation finds man was shot dead after he exited vehicle and was not still behind the wheel, as officers first claimed
