But spy agency doesn't dispute Yossi Cohen met with ultra-Orthodox magazine, just says quotes presented 'out of context'; editor now claims statements were made in 'closed talks'
Naama Issachar, sentenced to 7.5 years for marijuana found in bag on Moscow stopover, widely believed to be held as bargaining chip for Russian hacker imprisoned in Israel
New York Times cross-references videos of strikes, eyewitness records and thousands of internal communications to conclude facilities were targeted with Russian precision missiles
Sukkot holiday edition of major dailies prominently cover the plight of an Israeli-American held hostage as a bargaining chip in a diplomatic spat between Israel, Russia and the US
Naama Issachar, sentenced to 7.5 years for marijuana found in bag on Moscow stopover, had her detention conditions worsened after Israel okayed extradition of Russian hacker to US
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