At sidelines of UN General Assembly, Israel Katz has 'fascinating' meeting with top diplomat from unnamed country Jerusalem has no diplomatic relations with

Zarif blames Jerusalem for series of attacks on Iranian-backed targets that Israel has not officially commented on

Opinions differ on former members of the South Lebanon Army, a Christian-led, Israel-allied militia, who want to return to their native country

US president expected to push for pressure on Tehran, while at home he faces fresh threats of impeachment over dirt-digging against 2020 presidential rival

But Tehran's Zarif rejects notion, saying there will be 'no new deal' before signatories comply with the current one

Projectiles fired from an area controlled by Iraqi paramilitary forces with ties to Tehran; no casualties reported

With 65% of population questioned in new Pew survey expressing an unfavorable view of the world body, Jewish state surpasses the next nation in line -- Russia -- by 22 points

European powers say no other plausible explanation for strike on key facilities, while Iran's FM claims if Tehran were to blame 'nothing would have been left'

Prosecutors say self described 'radical' Jarrett William Smith planned to target left-wing activists, wanted to train with ultra-nationalist Ukrainian group with Nazi sympathies

Assistant secretary for terror financing tells PM Hariri Trump administration planning to target political allies of powerful Iran-backed paramilitary group
