As Israelis stream toward Egypt, a security official pleads with them to head for safer climes; perhaps URWP will just demand that Israel retake the peninsula in coalition talks

Lawmakers previously backed a bill labeling American troops in the Mideast as terrorists, in tit-for-tat move over Washington's outlawing of IRGC

State minister for defense says preliminary probe shows deadly suicide bombings in Sri Lanka that killed over 300 people were revenge for March assaults on New Zealand mosques

Gaza-based terror group managed to turn agents in sensitive units, including the preventative force that works alongside Israel to thwart Hamas activity in West Bank

Verse by local leader of far-right party 'is disgusting, shows contempt for human beings and is deeply racist,' says chancellor

Hezbollah began using tactic in the 1980s, Tamil Tiger fighters adopted it during the country's 26-year civil war, and method was later embraced by Palestinians

President gives military wider berth on detentions, restoring civil war-era powers; Tuesday declared a day of mourning

At town hall event, California senator says US president must be ousted over Mueller report; other presidential candidates hope voters will remove him from office

Houthi chief in rare interview says group prepared to continue four-year war, threatens missile strikes on Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, Dubai

Democratic presidential hopeful insists he is '100 percent pro-Israel' at town hall event, says if elected, he would be more sympathetic to Palestinian concerns
