Wearing costume combining uniforms of various security branches, Ben Gvir cuts loose with fellow hardliners in divided West Bank city amid roiling tensions
Agreement termed 'donation' to Orthodox Christian archbishop of Athens rather than transfer of items, but move could add pressure on Britain to repatriate its collection
Damascus alleges southern neighbor destroyed civilian infrastructure as well as key facility needed to import aid for victims of deadly February earthquake
Deputy interior minister says 'a number of people' detained across five provinces; most victims are girls; White House calls for 'credible independent investigation'
Dina Averina was narrowly defeated in Tokyo by Linoy Ashram, ending decades-long Russian dominance in event and triggering accusations of anti-Russian bias from coach Irina Viner
Orthodox politician slams ruling that upends religious status quo in Israel, saying it's another reason why government must push through judicial overhaul to weaken courts
Figure far in excess of World Bank's $34 billion estimate in the wake of the 7.8 magnitude quake in Turkish-Syrian border area last month, which claimed more than 50,000 lives
Senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur unpacks the real meaning behind protests from IDF reservists, and environmental reporter Sue Surkes looks at Mediterranean two years after tar spill
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