Holy See doesn't directly mention Washington's announcement that it no longer views settlements as illegal, but reference seems clear from statement's wording

Owner of Psagot winery, who recently lost battle against EU over labeling his products, hails 'historic' US decision to stop considering Jewish communities illegal

Administration figures add the move also should not be seen as support for 'unrestrained building'; US ambassador to Israel said behind shift in American approach

Lebanese terror group says Pompeo's announcement 'won’t change the reality that the Israeli entity is an occupier'

Israeli towns in West Bank no longer illegal in the eyes of superpower, making it easier for right to advance sovereignty plans and harder for left to come out against them

American official quoted as saying Washington would have delayed announcement if Blue and White chief had said he was close to forming coalition

Netanyahu takes opportunity during celebratory meeting with settler leaders to chide them for not speaking out enough against Joint List-backed minority government

Experts say new US policy less dramatic than it sounds as it simply reinstates Reagan-era ambiguity on settlements' legal status. Others warn it prejudges final status of West Bank

Former Mideast peace negotiator says move meant to 'dismantle the core elements' of the attempt to achieve a two-state solution

Breaking with decades of policy, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declares Israel's West Bank settlements not 'inconsistent with international law'
