Letter slams decision to restore longstanding policy that refrained from funding research projects beyond Green Line, as White House weighs whether to tap new envoy to Israel

A day after NY Times columnist says White House is revisiting relationship, Jerusalem says anyway, past US presidents have done so too, and defense ties are stronger than ever

Columnist says Biden administration believes government is using judicial overhaul as cover for 'unprecedented radical behavior... that is undermining our shared interests'

White House hails debate in Israel over judicial reforms as a 'healthy part of a vibrant democracy' while again warning that they shouldn't be passed without broad consensus

Washington retakes membership of body amid concerns China is filling the vacuum it left behind when it quit over alleged anti-Israel bias

Amos Hochstein reportedly discusses Hezbollah, Saudi Arabia with prime minister, as White House and hardline Israeli government remain at odds

Amichai Chikli claims US president's 'people' are synchronizing their comments with Israeli opposition leader and former PM Ehud Barak

Fugitive think tank head Gal Luft claims Biden administration trying to silence him over information he provided to FBI showing US president's family dealt with Chinese company

Zman Yisrael editor Biranit Goren and diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman discuss the US president's concerns over Netanyahu's coalition and the government's concerns over the AG

US president says Jerusalem shares blame for recent violence due to cabinet members who push settlement expansion while rejecting Palestinian rights
