Police say suspects disturbed public order with illegal march; organizers say it was approved; 4 MKs at march as demonstrators carry inflatable submarines down central route
Activists call for Niso Guetta be kept away from demonstrators, as more officers reportedly are probed for alleged violence during Saturday protest in Jerusalem; new video emerges
Ahead of Saturday's rallies, Yona Avrushmi, who in 1983 lobbed grenade into left-wing rally, killing Emil Grunzweig, says he has no plans to attend but others 'know what to do'
Protesters who tried to obey orders and leave an anti-Netanyahu rally were still blasted by high-pressure water, or forced back by mounted police, no matter which way they turned
Lawyer declares intention to go to Supreme Court over former Jerusalem police chief Nissan Shaham's punishment for coercing women under his command to have sex with him
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