In new short satiric film premiering July 25, Anne Frank House museum reps hire a marketing firm to remake diarist's image in era of 'empathy fatigue' among young people
Major community organizations in the United States, the United Kingdom and elsewhere express their concern following the vote on the reasonableness law
“Sadly, in times of war, of tragedy, the Jewish people knows very well how to be united. We shouldn’t have to wait for times of grief, God forbid,” she said.
The first such visit in 72 years is a boost for the small but growing community established by Jewish convicts in 1804 and considered far-flung even by Australian standards
As editor-in-chief of Buzzfeed News and the media critic for the New York Times, Ben Smith had a front row seat to (and a significant role in) the social media-zation of news media
A collaborative exhibition between Munich’s Jewish Museum and its City Museum running through January 2024 tells the stories of tens of thousands in postwar limbo
In her new book, investigative journalist Judy Rakowsky unearths the well-concealed fate of relatives murdered by their countrymen while in hiding from the Nazis
Jewish author Bernard Malamud's book on antisemitism has been challenged before and led to a Supreme Court decision on book bans. Now, a South Carolina mom wants it gone again
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