In 'Sassoon,' Prof. Joseph Sassoon tells how his distant family of Baghdadi Jews fled to India and built an empire on the legal narcotics trade, hobnobbing with the British royals

Antakya, known in antiquity as Antioch, has a Jewish community 2,300 years old and is mentioned in the Talmud, but a flight to urban areas has left just a dozen Jewish residents

Jacob Rosen-Koenigsbuch unveils a painstaking compilation of late 19th-century men who managed to evade Ottoman conscription, among the few available records of bygone communities

Iraqi-born Daniel Sasson recounts firsthand how in the early 1940s, Hitler-emulating dictator Rashid Ali al-Gaylani sent Jews to ghettos and firing squads in the Middle East

UK-based Tales of Jewish Sudan website founder Daisy Abboudi talks about tiny community's rich but short history, in which all her grandparents played a part

Under alias 'Mosul Eye,' historian Omar Mohammed used Twitter and blogs to document beheadings, torture in his Iraqi hometown before fleeing in 2017. His work continues from Paris

As US-inspired racial justice protests sweep the world, the British Board of Deputies assigns Stephen Bush to listen to British Jews of color and implement policy change

While attempting to document Egyptian synagogues, an Israeli historian stumbles upon a massive, well-preserved 616-page codex that was written in 1028

180 members of Egyptian-Jewish Diaspora return to fete renovated Eliyahu Hanavi shul, even as country's tiny Jewish community prepares for a Jew-free future