With long history of support for Jewish state, experts say that if elected US president, Democrat would be embraced by Israel's political and military class
Senator has good relations with AIPAC, is closely aligned with running mate on Mideast policy and aid to Jewish state; voted against anti-BDS bill, citing First Amendment rights
Organizations primarily led by Democrats, but backed by nonpartisan groups and some Republicans, say they will shut down prejudiced, false information about Democratic VP pick
As Joe Biden's running mate, senator could inspire crucial votes from minority communities in battleground states; rights activists hope she can bring criminal justice reform
A failed bid for student body vice president led Ethan Wolf to launch Jews 4 Joe, a push to get young Jews to vote blue, which now has hundreds of volunteers across 65 campuses
President says California Senator 'was very disrespectful to Joe Biden' during the Democratic primaries, and says she is too far left; Democrats hail 'ideal partner'
Harris was the first black attorney general of California, first woman to hold the post, and first woman of South Asian heritage to be elected to the US Senate
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