Ofer Golan and Jonatan Urich, accused of intimidating a state's witness, are expected to appeal to Supreme Court

Ofer Golan and Jonatan Urich accuse investigators of using harassment allegations against them as pretext to get dirt on the prime minister

PM also defends his justice minister's attack on state prosecutors and judiciary, says no institution above reproach

Ofer Golan and Jonatan Urich now suspected of witness intimidation, which carries a heavier maximum punishment; pair claims case should have been closed

Ofer Golan and Jonatan Urich claim seizure and perusal of their devices the latest in a 'string of illegal failures' by police, state prosecutors

AG said to take severe view of alleged harassment by Likud officials of witness in graft case implicating PM: 'This is not trolling'

Ofer Golan claims seizure and perusal of his and another senior party official's devices is a political move intended to isolate PM from his aides during coalition talks

Amir Ohana doubles down after Tuesday press conference, saying he wants to 'cleanse' the system which he says determines politics through the interrogation schedule

Judge acknowledges serious flaws in police conduct and infringement of suspects' rights but says there is reasonable suspicion they conspired to harass a witness

Jonatan Urich accuses law enforcement of illegally copying messages unconnected to the investigation into his alleged harassment of a former ally of the PM
