Religious Zionism lawmaker officially in US for release of former US secretary of state Mike Pompeo's book, but will reportedly meet with American Jewish groups fearful of reforms
In petition to justices, Israeli Democracy Guard accuses PM of pursuing judicial overhaul plan with the sole purpose of 'escaping prosecution' in ongoing criminal trial
The president warned that Israelis are facing a struggle 'that could consume us all'; with the Netanyahu coalition determined to remake the country, he will have to take a stand
President acknowledges 'deep concerns' if reforms are rushed through Knesset without consultation, says he sees 'signs of goodwill' amid efforts to find compromise
Gali Baharav-Miara's response comes days after reports she held talks on ordering PM to take leave of absence over conflict of interest with judicial overhaul and corruption trial
Daily's editors argue Israel's top court is less restrained than American counterpart, reforms are not 'antidemocratic,' and voters approved Shas leader despite criminal past
Petitioners say they represent views from across political spectrum, predict flight of foreign investments, Israel's OECD membership may be jeopardized
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