Basketball star says he still regrets promoting antisemitic video, explains erasure of his apology for that by saying 'I delete things all the time' from social media

Mark Cuban adds star guard to Dallas roster, despite speaking out against him last year for promoting a film replete with anti-Jewish tropes

The former Miami Heat center tells Emmy-winning sports journalist Jeremy Schaap how his 'huge mistake' led to his embrace by a forgiving and loving community

At 21, social media star Emily Austin served as a judge at the annual beauty pageant, in between sports reporting gigs and an internship with Gilad Erdan's team in New York

In NBA game against Brooklyn Nets, scoreboard features 'Happy Hanukkah' message along with lit menorah as teams' clash coincides with first night of Jewish festival

Sportswear giant drops Brooklyn Nets player, ending 11-year relationship, a month after he promoted antisemitic film

After Kanye West voices 'love' for Nazis and ex-president Trump dines with white supremacist, Biden says 'silence is complicity'

Andy Jassy suggests decision on controversial 'Hebrews to Negroes' movie is not 'straightforward,' does not indicate if disclaimer could be added

Company has so far resisted numerous calls to remove contentious content from its platform, despite report of multiple internal debates on the issue

NBA star again denounces antisemitism prior to game, but group galvanized by his promotion of conspiracy theory-ladened film gathers and hands out anti-Jewish fliers to fans
